Company Policy

Be responsible for customer, employee and society Develop the organization continually for efficiency and sustainable growth Be adherent to integrity, morality and ethics. 

To be the best manufacturer and service provider of machinery parts and steel structure, piping, oil tank, offshore container fabrication and mechanical work installation including waste management & cleaning services for energy, petrochemicals, and construction industry.
We adhere to conduct business with integrity and admirable to our customers and service partners in a sustainable manner to create value manufacture and deliver premium quality products and services. We consider as our top priority the safety standards, environmental consciousness and community enhancement including continuous improvement of employee skill and their quality life.

                Team Work
              Service Mind

HSEQ Policy

HSEQ (Health, Safety, Environment and Quality) Policy

                         Occupational Health and Safety Policy

                                    We commit to operate business under TOMS management system to ensure that Toms activities comply with
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  • Preparation safe workplace and hygiene for prevention of injury and illness from the work including eliminates hazards and reduces OH&S risks by establishing specific objectives and targets.
  • Provision suitable and sufficient resources to maintain and implement OH&S management system including continuously improvement.
  • Consultation and participation of workers and relevant people.
  • Reviewal other legal and non-legal requirements which relevant OH&S management system.
  • Communication OH&S policy to workers and stakeholders both internal and external the organization.
  • Availability and accessibility of safety data & information for workers and relevant people.

                                         Environmental Policy

                                We commit to operate business under TOMS management system to ensure that Toms activities comply with
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  • Prevention and reduction environmental impact including prevent pollution problems from production process by establishing specific objectives and targets. 
  • Provision suitable and sufficient resources to maintain and implement environmental management system including continuously improvement. 
  • Consultation and participation of works and relevant people. 
  • Reviewal other legal and non-legal requirements which relevant environmental managment system. 
  • Communication OH&S policy to workers and stakeholders both internal and external the organization.
  • Availability and accessibility of environmental data & information for workers and relevant people. 

Quality Policy

We commit to operate business under TOMS management system to ensure that the quality of delivered products and services shall meet requirements and product specifications, and emphasis on continually improving quality management system by establishing specific objective and targets including reviewing and evaluating on a regular basis.

Business Code of Conduct

THAI OIL TOOL MACHINERY SERVICES CO., LTD. has established a Business Code of Conduct with the good corporate governance principles for all directors, executives, and employees to observe in their discharge of duties and practice with equality, transparently, and fairly to strengthen good relationship and sustainable growth together with all concerned parties. This Business Code of Conduct applicable for all directors, executives, employees, affiliated companies

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  • Conflict Of Interests the company consider conflict of interests carefully with reasonable honesty and independence in accordance with the laws and regulations.
  • Keep and Use of the properties, Internal Information and Safeguarding of Confidential Information employees agree to maintain all Trade Secrets of the Company that have been obtained from their work not revealing and or not to act or refrain from doing any act until causing the reputation of the company damage and will not undertake to hire or be an employee or provide assistance with any person who is a competitor of the Company during the employment period. Employee shall act according to guidelines for using computer systems Company’s information technology system policy appropriately.
  • Offering And Receiving of Gifts, Assets or Any Other Benefits employees shall not accept any benefits from who gas relate to the company business, employees may accept or offer gifts on special or festival occasions but shall not affect the business decision.
  • Internal Control, Internal Audit, Accounting and Financial Reports the company has created an efficient internal control and auditing system under the inspection of internal auditors, including accounting and financial reports. The financial report has been prepared with accuracy, completely without any distortion or falsification.
  • Treatment of Employees the company recruiting employees with an efficient and fair selection system, strictly comply with labor laws, provide fair compensate to the employees, providing appropriate and fair welfare benefits and focus on the development of employee abilities and skills.
  • Employees Code of Conduct employees must be responsible for the mission assigned, be honest and transparent, respect others human rights, act in accordance with the rules of the Company and must not behave in ways which may tarnish the lead to the reputation of the Company.  
  • Treatment of Customers company mainly consider the requirements of customers, seek only reasonable profit, maintain the confidentiality of customers in a systematic, secure manner and will not use information of the customers in misuse and, received complaints about products and services and respond as quickly as possible to customers.
  • Treatment of Business Competitors the company respect on equality in competition, do not seek confidential information of business competitors through inappropriate means and do not tarnish the reputation of business competitors with accusation and defamation.
  • Treatment of Business Partners the Company has criteria for selecting business partners by considering their conduct of business, stable position, expertise, experience in business and reliable.  The Company has performed its duty comply with business conditions with integrity and transparency, do not do business with business partners who have illegal and immoral actions and listen the opinion, suggestion to be used to the business operations.
  • Treatment of Creditors the company make all types of contracts legally in accordance with fairly and transparency and proceed in strict accordance with the conditions of contract or agreements, including arrange payment for loan and interest to the creditors in accordance with the specified amount and on time.
  • Treatment of Society and Communities the Company conduct the business based on responsibility to communities, support and participate public service activities including the awareness of responsibility to the environment and support the conservation of energy.
  • Non-infringement of intellectual property or copyright the Company respect and will not violate the rights of owners of intellectual or copy rights others intellectual property and copyright, avoid buying products from entrepreneurs that infringe on intellectual property or copyright.  
  • Non-Violation of Human Rights the Company respect for fundamental human rights in accordance with law such as prevention of child labor, without limitation on the right to employ workers with disabilities.

            Monitoring to ensure compliance with the Company’s Business Code of Conduct In the case of any violation of the law, rules, regulation, morality, or related the Company’s policy if found relating to do shall report to the human resources department for further process according to the Company’s policy and work regulations  The Company shall have the appropriate reviewed the business code of conduct, the Company has a communication channel for any complaints, suggestions, or opinions through www.toms.co.th or info@toms.co.th or telephone 038-181751.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy 

TOMS has a policy to operate with integrity, ethics, morality and anti-bribery and corruption. Therefore, to ensure transparency in the operations and anti-corruption in the organization, the organization structure formulated on the basis of the good corporate governance followed by communication activities that will establish recognition and practice. In addition, TOMS has conducted anti-corruption awareness. Human resources are managed in a transparent manner where corporate value and corporate culture of being a smart employee with integrity is constantly promoted.

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TOMS has provided a channel where employee can file a grievance and has also established a response process that is fair and quick with a hope that employees will use the channel to monitor company operation on the basis of Corporate Governance and the Code of Business Ethics. Employees can ask questions in case of doubt or if there is any question about business ethics. TOMS is keen to listen to all complaints with transparency, care and fairness to every party. In addition, an appropriate timeframe will be catered for investigation purpose. Whistleblower’s confidentiality will be kept and prevented from being reprisal during and after the investigation. 

In addition, TOMS is conducting the internal control and assessment of financial and business operations performance which compliance legal‘s requirements . To ensure assessment of internal control have effectiveness. TOMS will be conducted once a year as financial audit by third party to ensure integrity and transparency which following by the principles of good governance.


Number 66-062-2564


                               TOMS obtained the following internationally recognized and accredited awards as follows certification.

Community Involvement

    TOMS place community engagement on top of our priorities, and we are always delighted to be a supporting and active member of our                                                                                            community through education and health welfare.

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